
Description of high value-added geoproducts in the field of cartography


a set of medium- and large-scale (1:100,000 - 1:10,000) spatial data (raster, vector and attributive) for the area, obtained on the basis of L3, L4, L5 products with extension options.

2. Raster data
Raster data includes basic products L3 - L5, created on the basis of space images from KazEOSat-1 and KazEOSat-2 satellites. The data can be provided as a set of orthorectified space images (L3), covering the area, or as a single orthorectified mosaic (L5) for the entire area. Product L4 - will be used as a source of relief information.

Базовый набор векторных слоев для ОПД

2. Vector data is provided as a GIS or geodatabase and includes a basic set of vector layers:

•  boundaries of the region;

•  boundaries of the region's districts;
•  boundaries of settlements;
•  road network;
• relief;
•  hydrography. 

- Expansion option - possibility to include additional vector layers and create a GIS based on remote sensing data to solve industry thematic tasks in the field: - agriculture;

•  the use of forest resources;
• the use of water resources;
•  geology and subsoil use;
•  prevention and elimination of the consequences of emergencies; 

and etc. 

 3. Attribute data
Descriptions, lists, registers and classifiers to geographical objects.

Пример опции расширения. Инвентаризация земель сельскохозяйственного назначения на основе использования данных ДЗЗ и технологий ГИС.

Мозаика г. Астана. Аналог продукта – L5


a set of large-scale (1:10,000 – 1:5,000) spatial data (raster, vector, and attribute) for settlements derived from L3, L4, L5 products with extension options.

1. Raster data
Raster data includes basic products L3 - L5, created on the basis of space images from the KazEOSat-1 spacecraft. The data can be provided as a set of orthorectified satellite images (L3) covering the territory of the NP, or as a single orthorectified mosaic (L5) for the entire territory of the NP. The L4 product will be used as a source of information about the terrain or the height of objects on the ground.

2. Vector data
Vector data is provided in the form of a GIS or geodatabase and includes a basic set of vector layers:

- NP boundaries;

- borders of NP districts;

- road network;

- residential and industrial quarters;

- hydrography;

- relief.

Базовый набор векторных слоев для ПД НП, г. Астана.
Пример опции расширения. Строения и лесные насаждения в черте г. Астана.

Опция расширения – возможность включения дополнительных векторных слоев и создания ГИС для решения тематических задач:
- геодезические пункты; 
- инженерные сети; 
- промышленные объекты; 
- транспортная инфраструктура; 
- объекты недропользования; 
- гидротехнические сооружения; 
- растительность; 
и т.д.

 3. Attribute data
Descriptions, lists, registers and classifiers to geographical objects.


a set of medium- and large-scale (1:100,000 - 1:5,000) spatial data (raster, vector and attributive) for individual territories obtained on the basis of L3, L4, L5 products with extension options.

1. Raster data
Raster data includes basic products L3 - L5, created on the basis of space images from KazEOSat-1 and KazEOSat-2 spacecraft. The data can be provided as a set of orthorectified satellite images (L3) covering the area of ​​interest or as a single orthomosaic (L5) for the entire area of ​​interest. Product L4 - will be used as a source of information about the terrain or the height of objects on the ground.

2. Vector data
Vector data is provided in the form of a GIS or geodatabase and includes a basic set of vector layers:
- relief;
- boundaries of the zone of interest;
- road network;
- hydrography.

Базовый набор ЛПД. Тестовое поле в Шортандинском районе.
Пример опции расширения. Строения и лесные насаждения в черте г. Астана.

Extension option - the ability to include additional vector layers and create a GIS for solving individual thematic tasks:
- Agriculture;
- use of forest resources;
- use of water resources;
- geology and subsoil use;
- prevention and liquidation of consequences of emergency situations

 3. Attribute data
Descriptions, lists, registers and classifiers to geographical objects.