“Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary” is ready to hire ENU graduates without competitive selection
A meeting was held at The L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University with representatives of the JSC NC "Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary" with the participation of ENU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Ardak Beisenbai, at which issues of expanding areas of cooperation were discussed.
In particular, in the memorandum signed earlier between ENU and Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary, it is proposed to expand the range of issues related to internship and further employment of university graduates in this national company, as well as the development of an additional joint education program to train specialists for the space industry.
As you know, earlier memoranda were signed with the departments of the Institute of Physical and Technical Sciences, the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and the issue is currently being worked out with the Faculty of Natural Sciences in order to involve ENU researchers in the activities of the space company.
Cooperation agreements have been signed to conduct professional practice in the fields of “Geodesy and Cartography”, “Automation and Control”, “Hydrology”, and “Geography”. The EPs "Space Engineering and Technologies", "Geodesy and Cartography" have been developed, and new innovative EPs on geography and ecology are planned.
As Olzhas Shokparov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary, stated during the meeting, ENU graduates can be employed by them without participating in a competitive selection.
According to him, this issue was discussed with the Chairman of the Management Board of JSC NC "Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary", they were instructed to amend the regulatory framework.
"According to these amendments to internal regulations, when signing the memorandum with ENU, we will be entitled to hire university graduates without going through a competitive selection process. As a pilot project, we propose to send 10 of the best ENU graduates to us, whom, depending on their specialization, we could consider and hire," O. Shokparov said, suggesting that other cooperation options should also be discussed.
ENU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Ardak Beisenbai, noted that an education program should be developed jointly with the Institute of Physical and Technical Sciences, Faculties of Architecture and Construction, Economics and Natural Sciences in order to train in-demand specialists in the space industry, if necessary, to make changes and include the required additional disciplines.
"We are glad that you have come to us with your initiatives and are always ready to consider them. For our part, considering that you employ highly qualified specialists in the space industry, we also want to attract employees of Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary as practitioners to teach certain disciplines at the university, for example, at the ENU branch, that is, to use all opportunities to expand cooperation," A. Beisenbai said.
During the meeting, Kazakhstan Gharysh Sapary presented a PPT on "Space Monitoring for the Sectors of Kazakhstan’s Economy."
It should be noted that for the development of the space industry in Kazakhstan, taking into account the urgent need for specialists in the rocket and space industry, in 2009 the Department of Space Engineering and Technology of the Institute of Physical and Technical Sciences was founded at The L.N. Gumilyov ENU. The department trains engineering personnel for the enterprises of the space industry of Kazakhstan in the design, production and operation of space technology.